Garrett County Public Schools (GCPS) has received updated report card data, star ratings, and informational resources for the 2023-24 school year from the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). GCPS, along with the rest of the state, has experienced a slight change in its star ratings.
Schools earn between one and five stars based on the percentage of points earned across a series of indicators. The indicators for all schools are Academic Achievement, Academic Progress, Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency, and School Quality and Student Success. For high schools, the indicators above are used in addition to the Graduation Rate and Readiness for Postsecondary Success. Achieving English language proficiency was not factored into GCPS scoring due to the minimal population of multilingual learners within GCPS.
GCPS has attained the following results for the 2023-24 school year: two (2) Five-star schools – Accident and Crellin Elementary Schools; six (6) four-star schools – Grantsville, Route 40, and Yough Glades Elementary Schools, Swan Meadow School, Northern Middle School, and Northern High School; and four (4) three-star schools – Broad Ford and Friendsville Elementary School, Southern Middle School, and Southern High School. Eight schools earned the top two ratings of four or five stars, marking 67% of GCPS schools, while only 41% of schools state-wide attained such results. Of note, three of the GCPS three-star rated schools are just shy of achieving the four-star rating, less than two percentage points away from a four-star rating.
“We are proud of the progress GCPS has made, as reflected in the individual school results across the county,” stated Dr. Brenda McCartney, GCPS Superintendent. “However, we recognize that there is still work to be done. Our commitment to continuous improvement remains strong, and we will intensify our efforts to enhance academic outcomes and address the challenge of chronic absenteeism more effectively.”
This is the fifth year of School Report Cards and the star ratings system. To view county or school-specific data, please visit the Maryland Report Card: Additionally, School Improvement Plans are available on each school’s website. The individual plans are available under the “About Us” tab.