Pictured are left to right: Past Lions International President Clem Kusiak, District 22W Governor Nadja Muchow, Tom Wenzel, and Past International Director Bruce Beck – PID Beck presented the award on behalf of Lions International President Brian Sheehan.
Tom Wenzel, a long-time member of the Deep Creek Lake Lions Club, has received the Lions International President’s Award from Lions International President Brian E. Sheehan. The medal was presented to Wenzel during the 100th Multiple District 22 Convention in Ocean City, Maryland on April 21st.
Wenzel received the award as recognition of his continuing service to the Blind Skier program at the Deep Creek Lake Lions, a program that celebrated its 50th anniversary this year. This Award is the second highest award in Lionism and is awarded by the International President to Lions who have shown a significant level of commitment to the principles of Lions and outstanding contributions in the world of service beyond the club and district levels.
Fellow Deep Creek Lions Barry Krewson and Ken Bush were present in Ocean City to witness the presentation of the prestigious award to Lion Wenzel. The club serves the Garrett County, MD area with the flagship service programs being the annual Blind Skiers and Blind Campers initiatives
The Deep Creek Lake Lions also provide community service through financial assistance for vision-related healthcare, eyeglass recycling, support to local and global organizations, and the operation of the McHenry Community Park at 1249 Bumble Bee Rd. The club meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at varying locations around the lake, including the community park pavilion.
For more information on the award, the Deep Creek Lake Lions Club or its community service programs, or the next meeting location please go to https://deepcreeklions.org/ or call Mike Tumbarello, director of the marketing committee at 410.707.7725 or tumbarellomike@gmail.com.