Public Listening Session: Economic Development Strategic Plan

Public Listening Session: Economic Development Strategic Plan

The Garrett County Department of Business Development is drafting the county’s new Economic Development Strategic Plan. This plan will rework and update the most-recent county plan that was approved in 2013.

Topics to be considered include:

  • Infrastructure and Facilities
  • Workforce Development
  • Business Start-Up and Support
  • Community Planning and Leadership
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Promotion and Marketing

Led by M3 Synergies, a Maryland consultant, the plan in development will create actionable items within a 5- year framework.

Feedback has been solicited from each of the eight municipal governments, local organizations, and the local business community. As M3 continues discussions with county stakeholders, two open, in-person sessions are scheduled for public input.

These public listening session events are scheduled as follows:

October 6, 2022 – 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM & 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Both sessions will be held in Room 111 in the GIEC at Garrett College.

County staff members and representatives from M3 Synergies will be in attendance. Participant opinions and points will be considered on the following suggested topics: workforce, housing, job creation, population loss, expansion, and other economic initiatives.

A draft of the plan is expected to be completed by November 2022.

M3 Synergies is a full-service business, economic, and real estate development firm led by Meredith Mears.

About Garrett County Department Business Development: The Garrett County Department of Business Development, a department of local government, is focused on a variety of fiscal, community, and infrastructure initiatives. The Department strives to create a diverse economy that: fuels innovation and prosperity; attracts and retains talent—regional and homegrown. Our services include site selection support, public/private financing assistance, workforce training and recruitment, networking resources and referrals, marketing support, demographic analysis, and general business assistance. Please call us at (301) 334-1921 or email us at