Historic Preservation Project Workshops

Are you considering applying for a Capital Grant for a historic preservation project? Attend a workshop in your area! 

The Maryland Historical Trust is hosting workshops around the state for prospective applicants for the FY19 Capital Grant Program. This grant is a competitive funding program for construction projects on buildings or structures on or eligible for the Maryland Register. Attend a workshop to learn if your project is eligible and what is required for submitting an application.

You can read more about this grant program at our website here.

Workshops are free, but we ask you to please register. Links to register can be found in the date and location descriptions below. You do not need to bring a ticket. 

For questions, please contact Courtney Hotchkiss at 410-697-9514 or courtney.hotchkiss@maryland.gov.

Meeting Dates and Locations

November 20 – Chestertown Council Office, 2nd floor

118 N. Cross St., Chestertown, MD, 21620


Register here: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3795905

November 28 – Wicomico Public Library, Room 1

122 S Division St, Salisbury, MD 21801


Register here:  https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3795913

November 30 – Urbana Regional Library

9020 Amelung Street, Frederick, MD 21704


Register here: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3795918

December 7 – Garrett College, Building 700

687 Mosser Rd, McHenry, MD 21541


Register here:  https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/3795923