Garrett County Public Schools (GCPS) is now collecting feedback on the proposed 2023-2024 school calendars. Feedback will be provided to the Garrett County Board of Education (GCBOE) members. The calendars may be found under the “Calendars” tab on the Public Relations page of the website. Please review both calendars prior to providing feedback. All information collected will be kept confidential. Please utilize this form to provide feedback pertaining to the calendar selections that you feel are in the best interests of students, staff, and the school system in general. Written comments may also be submitted via mail or by email to the following address:
Garrett County Public Schools
Attn: Public Relations Office
40 South Second Street, Oakland, MD 21550
Feedback will be accepted from February 15, 2023, until noon, Friday, March 10, 2023. All comments that are submitted will be reviewed by the Board.