All Day
Event Series Weed or Wildflower?

Weed or Wildflower?

Native Plant Garden 403 McAndrews Hill Rd, Grantsville

Want to help preserve our regional biodiversity? Bring your work gloves, kneeling pads, favorite weeding tools, and some elbow grease to remove unwanted plants from the garden. As you work, you'll learn how to identify common weeds and why protecting native plants is so critical for wildlife. Meet at the native plant garden near the Lake House. Please bring your own water bottle, insect repellent, and sunscreen.

Take a Hike Tuesday

New Germany Lake House 403 McAndrews Hill Road, Grantsville

Join Ranger Noah on this challenging, 4-mile hike and experience the revitalizing effects of outdoor exercise.

Tree Talk Tuesday

New Germany Lake House 403 McAndrews Hill Road, Grantsville

Join Ranger Noah and Student Intern Maddy on this moderate-to-difficult 2-mile hike and learn about some of the 16 native trees that are labeled throughout the park. This will be one of a series of tree talks, with each focusing on different tree species.