DHCD Announces Grant Rounds for 2024

DHCD Announces Grant Rounds for 2024 at Deep Creek Lake, MD

DHCD State Revitalization Programs to support local housing, community and economic development, and other revitalization projects is now available from seven programs including Community Legacy; Maryland Facade Improvement; Strategic Demolition Fund-Project C.O.R.E.; Strategic Demolition Fund-Statewide; Baltimore Regional Neighborhood Initiative (BRNI); National Capital Strategic Economic Development Fund (NED); and Seed Community Development Anchor Institution (SEED).

Applications are due on June 26 at 3:00 PM.

You can access the applications and information here.

New applicants should contact a regional project manager  for more information and eligibility determination.  In April, the department  announced Operating Assistance Grants due May 17, 2024 and a new round for the Maryland Housing Counseling Fund due May 31, 2024.