Deep Creek Winter Sports Team has opened registration for its 2020-2021 season; details are available on the team website at DCWST is a US Ski and Snowboard (USSS) member club for athletes aged 7 to 18 competing in Alpine ski-racing and Snow-boarding.
DCWST Alpine-racers compete within the USSS regional organizing body – Pennsylvania Alpine Racing Association (PARA) in Slalom and Giant Slalom races. The races take place primarily at Wisp Resort and Seven Springs Resort, PA. The Alpine team practices weeknights (Tuesdays and Fridays) and weekends at the Wisp.
The Snowboarders participate in competitions organized by USA Snowboard and Freeski Association (USASA) as part of their regional Appalachian Series. The event disciplines include Slopestyle, Halfpipe, Boardercross and Rail Jam. The Snowboard team practices on weekends at Wisp Resort.
Instructions and appropriate links for completing the registration process for USSS, USASA and DCWST, are provided on the DCWST Membership page of the team website: The team’s registration site can be accessed directly at
The team is asking that returning members register on or before November 1, 2020 so that staff planning for the season can be completed and to avoid late fees; Nov 1st is also the USSS early bird registration deadline. New members may register without a late fee through January 4, 2021.
As in past years, DCWST is also offering scholarships to interested skiers and snowboarders from the local and regional community. The scholarship covers the cost of team dues for the season while the USSS and USASA fees remain individual responsibility. For more information on scholarship opportunities visit the DCWST website and click on the Scholarships tab at the top. The scholarship application deadline is November 22, 2020.
Any questions about the registration process or the team in general can be emailed to