Many people contributed funding to the Deep Creek Watershed Foundation (DCWF) during 2019 and have been thanked individually. However, the Foundation wants to take this opportunity to publicly thank the many businesses, organizations and homeowners who made an impact on the Deep Creek watershed this past year.
The Deep Creek Watershed Foundation is greatly appreciative of the support of Maryland House of Delegates, Delegate Wendell Beitzel, Maryland Senator George Edwards, and the Garrett County Commissioners for their support of the Maryland State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund which contributes to the funding of the lake.
The Foundation recognizes and is grateful for the dedication of the members of the Administrative Council (representatives of MD Department of Natural Resources-DNR, MD Dept of Environment—MDE, and Garrett County) for their oversight of the implementation of the Watershed Management Plan, where the Foundation provides its primary support.
The Foundation also thanks:
Staff of the DNR, for stewardship of the lake;
Staff of the MDE for helping to reduce acid mine drainage in the watershed;
Railey Vacations staff, who created a company program which allows property renters to contribute to the Foundation’s on-going projects;
Businesses like Marks Media and Deer Park Signs that have contributed to the successes of the Foundation in 2019;
Local business owners who gladly displayed the Foundation’s pamphlets;
The Franklins’ donation of a Flying Scot sailboat;
Boat stewards who volunteered to help prevent invasion of submerged aquatic vegetation; and,
Staff of Garrett College for their support to the Foundation Board of Directors.
Lastly, the Foundation thanks many homeowners around the lake who learned about the Foundation’s mission through presentations at their HOA meetings, who have taken the Foundation-sponsored Water Wise Program, and who have contributed to the work of the Foundation and continue to follow our work with interest.
Protection of the watershed relies on the care and cooperation of a lot of dedicated people and organizations. The Foundation is pleased to be a part of this important mission!