Update on the 10 in 10 Project Planting of the Demo Garden

Update on the 10 in 10 Project Planting of the Demo Garden at Deep Creek Lake, MD

On May 20, dozens of native plants were installed in the demonstration garden at Deep Creek Lake State Park, at the boat launch. Julia Vache from DNR, Robert Hoffmann, president of DCWF, Carolyn Sheaffer of DCWF, and volunteers, Vicky Williams, Lisa Quinn, and Tom Aikens participated in this phase of the project.

Some of the varieties included Scarlet Bee Balm, Purple coneflower, native Milkweed, and Little Bluestem Grasses. Plant tags to identify the plants and their characteristics will be installed in the future, as well as walking paths. These will be added as the plants begin to take hold and mature.