Volunteers Needed for the 10 IN 10 Project

The 10 In 10 project aims to reforest the buffer strip along the lake shores. This is a community program that includes the Lake Management office/DNR, DCWF, the POA, and other civic groups. Ashley Bachtel-Bodkins, one of our advisors, and a Senior Agent at the University of Maryland Extension Office in Garrett County will also participate in the planning The goal is to achieve a 10% vegetative stand along the shoreline on private properties in 10 years. Participation of property owners is voluntary. A focus on native trees, shrubs, and grasses is emphasized.

A 300-yard strip along the waterfront to the right of the Deep Creek Lake State Park Boat Ramp will serve as a prototype. A meandering path and signage will guide visitors through suggested landscaping plants all designed to enhance lake views and reduce or slow erosion of the shoreline.

Help DCWF in this project to provide an example of how to REFOREST the buffer strip on Deep Creek Lake for properties where erosion is a problem.

We are asking for volunteers to help plant trees at the Deep Creek Lake State Park by the launch dock from April 17- 19. This would be for the prototype garden for the 10 in 10 project (10% vegetation of the riparian border of the Deep Creek Lake in 10 years project.)

Volunteers should bring a shovel, trowel, and gloves. Most of the help needed would be on Monday, Tuesday, and, perhaps, Wednesday. Starting time would be 9:00 AM.

If possible, take a few hours from your day and volunteer for this worthwhile project and get to know some of your neighbors!

If you are interested, please call Carolyn Sheaffer at 301-616-5740.