Highs in the upper 60s today!
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those impacted by the tragedy in Las Vegas. We know it can happen anywhere, but we just seem a little safer here in Garrett County…
In light of the events in Las Vegas, President Trump has cancelled his visit to nearby Morgantown.
The Accident Library will hold Children’s Story Time today from 11:00am-12:00pm. Children’s Story Time is open to children ages 2-5. Join them for stories, crafts, and activities.
The Garrett Community Concert Band invites new members to join their multi-generational band.. There are no auditions; just dust off your old instruments and come out to rehearsals for the Christmas concert beginning today (and following Tuesdays) from 7:00pm-9:00pm in the auditorium at Garrett College. The Christmas Concert is Dec. 3 at 2:30 p.m. in the college’s auditorium.
And for you older folks, the Accident Library will be holding a gardening class about Microgreens on Tuesday, October 23, at 2 p.m., presented by the Garrett County Master Gardeners from University of Maryland Extension. To sign up, contact Kim Cecil at 301-746-8792 x0131 or kcecil@relib.net.
Don’t forget to vote for Deep Creek Lake in USA Today’s 10 Best Travel Destinations Reader’s Choice Contest.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources just announced their grants to volunteer fire departments in the state. Both the Eastern Garrett County Fire and Rescue and the Kitzmiller departments received $3,000 grants. Way to go!
Oysters in the lake? No oysters in Deep Creek Lake but they are in the Chesapeake Bay. Oyster season started yesterday and runs through March 31st.
The Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs is holding a Technical Training Classroom on Friday, October 20, 2017 in Crownsville. This two-part event is free, requires separate registrations and is relevant for small and minority business enterprises that wish to learn more about doing business with the state. Registrations:
1. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mbe-rights-and-responsibilities-tickets-38357244551
2. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/amp-up-your-small-business-tickets-38265223313