Tuesday February 4 2020

The weather for today will be wet, with showers forecast.  Expect a low of 35 and a high of 51, with wind up to 15 miles per hour.

Had a nice trip to Annapolis yesterday where I had a confirmation hearing in the Maryland State Senate as a new member of the Maryland Venture Fund Authority.  I was appointed by Governor Hogan.  I am honored and will continue to do my best to support small business and small business formation in our state and especially our mountain region. There’s lots of opportunity out there for entrepreneurs.

Here’s a cool photo of Wisp back in the day.  I found it on a historic photo site where it was uploaded by Offlake Realty.  Note the vehicles and the limited trees…

Wisp Resort

Wisp Back in the Day

Did you see that whale surfacing at the lake the other day?  OK, we all know there are no whales at the lake, but I also know many of our readers are keenly interested in the environment and bio-diversity/mass reductions of species.  Here’s a brief piece on efforts between the US and Canada to save the North Atlantic Right Whale population.  Check it out if you have a minute. We can all make a difference at many different levels and in many different ways.

Hunters reported taking 82 wild turkeys during Maryland’s 2020 winter turkey season, which was open statewide January 23rd – 25th. Garrett and St. Mary’s counties had the most birds harvested. Here’s the details.

I hope you all have a better day today than those wild turkeys did! Gobble the day up…

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