Thursday February 22

A rainy day today. Showers with a high of 44 degrees and a low of 39 degrees.

The Greene Turtle Mug Club Party tonight from 5:00pm – 7:00pm tonight 1/2 Priced Mugs, give aways 50/50 tickets to support the Deep Creek Dunk!

The Chamber reports Garrett County’s unemployment rate in December was 5.2%, compared to 5.7% for December 2016.  The unemployment rate for the US as a whole this December was 3.8%, with the state registering 4.1%

Oakland Native Dave Jones is the first person in history to complete 7 public marathons on 7 continents in 7 days plus a marathon in each of the 50 states in one year. Wow! He will be visiting Garrett County to speak at the Adventure Sports Colloquium on Feb 27 at 6:30pm.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is offering free trees until March 30th to Garrett County landowners that have a buffer area close to a body of water.

Local entrepreneur and former Power of Possibilities entrant Chris Nichols just announced his latest product in the Card Caddy line: The Citadel Dice Tower! Check it out and good luck Chris.

Join the Deep Creek Lake Lion’s Club at Uno’s on Tuesday Feb 27th at 6:00pm for a pizza buffet where you can hear stories from skiers and guides from the club’s blind skier program.

The Chamber has announced their next Business After Hours networking event to be held on March 8th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm at the Casselman Inn in Grantsville.

Heard that Senator Ben Cardin will be holding a Town Hall meeting at Allegany College this Saturday from 10:30am-11:30am at the Dr. Robert Zimmer Theater.  Contact Robin Summerfield at or 301.777.2957 for more details.


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