Oakland Cemetery Monuments Restoration Committee Hard at Work

Oakland Cemetery Monuments Restoration Committee Hard at Work at Deep Creek Lake, MD

The Oakland Cemetery Monuments Restoration Committee has been hard at work all year. They have been identifying numerous markers/monuments in the Oakland Cemetery that need to be repaired/conserved. The Committee would prefer heirs or family members take care of the repairs, and as such, the Committee members have been doing in-depth research to try and notify next of kin.

Unfortunately, they have been unsuccessful in making contact with living relatives and are moving forward with making plans to utilize donations and grant funds to make improvements to these cemetery markers and monuments.

Oakland Cemetery Monuments Restoration Committee Hard at Work at Deep Creek Lake, MD

The Committee is hereby giving notice that the following monuments are high priority based on the assessment done last year: Thomas R. White, Edwin Elias, Dorothy C. Bullard, Ethel Lockyer White, James/Elizabeth Willison, Bowie Johnson, Peter Chilsom, Almina wife of Theo Bush, Annie B. Harned, Joseph B. Davis, Richard/Charles Fairall, unknown Phillips, unknown Tower, unknown Banks, Harriet Shipley, John E. Baird, George/Florence Porter, Chas/Ida Liller, Frank/Ida Coddington, Abraham/Emma Lawton, May B. Sanner.

Oakland Cemetery Monuments Restoration Committee Hard at Work at Deep Creek Lake, MD

If you know of any living relatives of those listed above, the Mayor and Town Council would request that you make contact with them as soon as possible. Unless written objection is received at Oakland City Hall, 15 South Third Street, Oakland, within 30 days of this notice, the Town will give permission for the conservation project to move forward with advertising for bids for the restoration work.

Questions regarding this notice may be directed to Art Wolf, Oakland Cemetery Monuments Restoration Committee Chairman at 301-616-5454. Volunteers are welcome!