Northern Garrett High School Senior and JROTC Cadet Nathaniel Brenneman Attends Maryland Boys State

Northern Garrett High School Senior and JROTC Cadet Nathaniel Brenneman Attends Maryland Boys State at Deep Creek Lake, MD

One of the senior cadets from Northern Garrett High School (NGHS), Nathaniel Brenneman, attended the Maryland Boys State (MBS) event recently. MBS gives young men the opportunity to learn about the political processes of the United States, from local to federal levels, over a period of five days. The American Legion organized the event with a military flavor that includes physical fitness training, drill and ceremony, color guard, and rifle drill.

When asked about his experience, Nathaniel compared MBS to the Officer version of JCLC, the JROTC summer camp. He also mentioned that around 90% of the attendees were hoping to receive appointments to one of the nation’s service academies.

The NGHS JROTC instructors, SFC Ramos and MAJ Hershfeldt, plan to continue sending their best cadets to Boys and Girls State. According to MAJ Hershfeldt, the cadets will not only learn valuable lessons in civics but also be able to add the experience to their resumes for scholarships, college acceptance, and employment. Congratulations to Nathaniel Brenneman on a job well done!