New Moms across Maryland would pay $1,744 to Guarantee a Good Night’s Sleep

Originally published by mixbook.

It’s one of the most precious, yet elusive things new moms are all looking for: a good, peaceful, uninterrupted, night’s sleep. But when you have a newborn, even a three-hour stretch is considered by some to be a luxury.

Ahead of Mother’s Day on May 12th, Mixbook commissioned a survey of 3,000 new moms to uncover just how much these sleep-deprived heroines would hypothetically pay for the golden ticket – a good night’s sleep. The responses paint a vivid picture of just how precious a few hours of Z’s are to a new mom navigating the beautiful chaos of her new role.

The survey revealed that, on average, new moms across Maryland would be willing to pay up to a staggering $1,744 for just one night of good sleep – that’s the equivalent of around four hundred Starbucks Grandes or one night in New York’s Plaza Hotel!

When we dive into the state-by-state comparison Mixbook’s findings unveiled a variety of sleep valuations across the country. South Dakota’s new moms were prepared to invest a whopping $2,495 for the perfect slumber, highlighting the premium they place on a restful night. On the other end of the spectrum, Maine’s moms, while still acknowledging the value of decent sleep, showed a bit more financial restraint, deeming $606 a fair price for a peaceful night’s rest.

Mixbook posed another question that sparked intrigue: given the choice, would new moms prefer one night of uninterrupted sleep or an entire day to themselves? The results were mixed, with 58% opting for the coveted night of perfect sleep, underscoring just how precious those Z’s are. Meanwhile, 42% would choose the luxury of a whole day to indulge in self-care or leisure.

When it comes to sleep deprivation, the majority of respondents – 58% – admitted it was tougher to handle than they’d anticipated, indicating a gap between expectations and the new realities of parenting.

In today’s tech-savvy world, 64% of moms are hesitant to use AI for settling their babies, preferring a more traditional touch, while 36% are open to technological aids, signaling mixed feelings about AI’s role in parenting.

Nearly half of the moms surveyed were curious about sleep coaching, with 22% considering it a viable option to manage sleep deprivation. However, a significant 78% chose to steer through the sleepless nights on their own.

Finally, the survey found that nostalgia for pre-baby nighttime routines is strong, with many missing the simple pleasures of reading, watching TV, taking long baths, and socializing. However, late-night conversations with partners now seem less important in the grand scheme.

“This survey sheds light on the immense value new moms place on a good night’s sleep,” says Leslie Albertson, Head of Brand at Mixbook. “While the joys of motherhood are unparalleled, the challenges are very real. At Mixbook, we’re dedicated to supporting moms through every stage of motherhood by helping them connect with the people and moments that matter most through personalized photo books. We understand the importance of self-care and reflection for new moms and hope this survey sparks conversations about how we can continue to support them through this transformative journey.”