MSDE Opens Applications for Summer Meals Program Sites

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) is seeking public and private nonprofit organizations to serve as meal sites for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). The SFSP, a U.S. Department of Agriculture summer program, provides free, nutritious meals for children and teens who might otherwise go hungry when school is not in session.

In 2023, SFSP organizations served almost 4 million meals at over 1,300 sites to youth up to age 18, and to individuals over 18 with special needs who attend a public or private non-profit school.

“Food insecurity during summer months is a concern for Maryland families who rely on school meals during the school year,” said Dr. Carey Wright, Interim State Superintendent of Schools. “MSDE wants to build strong community relationships and partnerships across the state through a network of free summer meal sites. By expanding the network of sites, particularly in rural areas, families will have increased access to healthy and nutritious meals all year long.”

The SFSP provides reimbursement to organizations that sponsor sites to serve nutritious meals to children in areas where at least 50 percent of households qualify for free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program, rural and migrant farm areas, or 50 percent of the children enrolled in a summer program qualify for free or reduced-price meals. Most organizations may be reimbursed for up to two meals or snacks per child per day. Camps and migrant programs may be reimbursed for up to three meals per child each day. All meals and snacks must meet federal nutrition standards.

The application deadline is Saturday, June 15. For more information, contact the Office of School and Community Nutrition Programs at 410-767-0199 or visit