Great weather this weekend and more to follow into mid-week… high of 78 degrees today!
Our Town Theater is holding auditions this evening from 7:00pm-9:00pm for Ghost Walks.
An introduction to the game of Mah-Jongg and its strategies is scheduled for Wednesday, September 27 at the GIEC building on the Garrett College McHenry Campus. The day starts at 10:00am and wraps at 4:30pm, with various sessions and panels. Contact the Continuing Education Department at 301.387.3069 for more information.
The AAUW-Garrett College Student Chapter, in collaboration with AAUW-Garrett Branch, is sponsoring a meet-up to review and discuss “Deeper in Debt: Women and Student Loans”, the newly published research report from AAUW-National. This event is free and open to the public on Wednesday, September 27 at 5:30pm at Garrett College’s GIEC building, room 111.
The Maryland Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring their Business Policy and Competitiveness Conference on September 28-29
The leaves they are a changing… The State of Maryland keeps track of foliage changes throughout the state.
Congratulations Garrett County Public Safety Chief of Communications Ken Collins for being selected by the Mid-Eastern APCO as the 911 Director of the Year for the state of Maryland!
Did you know that 70% of drug abusers get medications by stealing from family? The Garrett County Drug Free Communities Coalition now has three locations within the County to drop off your unneeded prescription drugs. Oakland City Hall, Garrett County Sheriff’s Office and the McHenry State Police Barracks.
We announced the opening of the new Monkey Business Adventure Park over the weekend. If you get a chance, drive by and check it out as it is quite impressive and looks like fun. It’s on Deep Creek Drive.
We know you don’t want to think about it, but you have to protect your boat from the harsh winter weather! Oakland Storage Center is a new advertiser with us offering secure boat, RV, camper and ATV storage. Call now to make your storage arrangements – 240-321-2008.
The Adventure Sports Institute held a rock climbing course over the weekend. Check out this video of the class location: