Meteorological Winter

December 1, 2022: Welcome, December! AKA the beginning of meteorological winter. Meteorological winter is a way for the weather folks to more easily compare weather events year over year. The dates of December 1 to February 28 (or 29) were selected based on the annual temperature cycle and climatological patterns observed on Earth.

Note this is different from the astronomical winter which is based on the position of Earth in relation to the sun. Since people have used observable natural phenomena to mark time for thousands of years, that’s where the December 21 “beginning of winter” date was established. The Earth’s rotation around the sun and its tilt on its axis forms the basis for the astronomical calendar thus “officially” defining seasons with two solstices and two equinoxes. Didn’t know you were in for a science lesson this morning, huh? 🙂

The weather today will be sunny, blustery, and cooler, with highs in the lower 30s. West winds of around 15 to 25mph. Gusts up to 45 mph, decreasing to 35 mph in the afternoon. The chance of rain is 10%.

The Maryland Historical Trust is hosting a webinar today from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM for prospective applicants of the Historic Preservation Capital Grant Program. REGISTER HERE.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Join the Christmas at Calvary Christian Academy for “The Incredible, Gigantic, Humongous VeggieTales Christmas Show!” and pulled pork dinner today. The show begins at 6:00 PM.

There will be an Open Mic hosted by Kim Alexander at MoonShadow tonight at 6:00 PM.


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