Maryland Insurance Administration

Maryland Insurance Administration at Deep Creek Lake, MD

Awareness is Key

June 28th is National Insurance Awareness Day! We celebrate everyday, but this day acts as a reminder and encourages us to review our insurance policies. Often times consumers establish insurance policies, but don’t revisit them. You should review your policies at least once a year or as your needs change. Please consider talking to your insurance agent or company and review what insurance you have, what you are paying for it, and what changes to consider to get the protections that you need.

The Maryland Insurance Administration is always here as a resource for you!

Travel Insurance

You’ve lined up a fabulous vacation! Do you need travel insurance? Find out more through this consumer alert: click here.

Hurricane Season

Are you prepared? Hurricane season in Maryland runs from June 1- Nov. 30. Take action now and make an evacuation plan and learn more to prepare for natural disasters: click here.

Graduated – What’s Next?

Wishing the Class of 2023 a prosperous road ahead! If you have a new graduate in the family, you may be preparing to buy a car. If you have teen or young drivers, make sure to read these Insurance Tips: click here.

Vacation Rentals

Are you renting a vacation home this summer? Your homeowners or renters insurance may cover damage or loss to your personal property while at your vacation home. Ask your agent or insurance company about your coverages or visit our website for information, click here.

Pier Pressure

We’re not trying to “pier” pressure you! Take a moment to read this Consumer Advisory if you live along the shoreline and have piers, docks, wharves, or a bulkhead. Learn more here.

Summertime Fun!

When you purchase or install backyard amenities such as pools, hot tubs, playsets or trampolines, you should reassess your insurance coverage. Visit our website for more information, click here.

For pool and hot tub safety tips, click here.