Lantz Presents at S3AM Summit

Lantz Presents at S3AM Summit (Deep Creek Lake, MD)

University of Maryland Extension is part of a grant to improve oyster harvesting called S3AM: Smart Sustainable Shellfish Aquaculture Management. The Maryland 4-H STEM program has headed up the development of youth activities to help educate youth about oysters and underwater robotics. The team has developed a simple underwater ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) that youth can build and then fly underwater in a tank to collect bingo chips (simulating oysters). The team has also developed a curriculum to teach youth about oysters and how underwater ROVs operate.

Willie Lantz, project lead for the 4-H Stem Team, recently participated in the 2024 S3AM Summit and Expo held at the A. James Clark School of Engineering at College Park. The Expo showed off work that the engineers, graduate students, and youth have been working on. In 2024, the 4-H STEM team engaged 750 youth in learning about oysters and underwater ROVs and built 56 of the simple ROVs. The S3AM activities are funded by a USDA NIFA Sustainable Agriculture Systems Grant. In addition to statewide team members, Garrett County Extension personnel, Karen Wood and Phil Malon work alongside Willie Lantz on this innovative project.