Keeping Pets Safe and Calm this Fourth of July: Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday!

Originally published by HART for Animals, Inc.

Keeping Pets Safe and Calm this Fourth of July- Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday at Deep Creek Lake, MD

As we gear up for the Fourth of July, let’s make sure our furry friends stay safe and stress-free during the holiday! Did you know more pets go missing around this time than any other? Those noisy fireworks are the main culprits.

If your pet gets super anxious during fireworks, give us a call at Bredel Vet Clinic (301.387.7729) before July 3rd. We’re here to help!

Here are some tips to keep your pets calm:

  1. Keep Them Indoors: Even if they’re used to being outside, the loud noises can scare them. Make sure all doors, windows, and gates are securely closed.
  2. Create a Safe Haven: Set up a cozy spot in your home with their favorite toys, blankets, and bedding. Don’t forget their water bowl and a litter box for cats.
  3. Stay With Them: If you can, stay home during the fireworks. Your presence can be super comforting for them.
  4. Distraction & Positive Reinforcement: Keep them busy with playtime, treats, and their favorite toys. Reward calm behavior to help shift their focus away from the noise.
  5. ID Tags & Microchips: Make sure your pets are microchipped and have updated ID tags. This will help ensure a safe return if they do manage to escape.

Let’s make this Fourth of July a safe and happy one for everyone, including our pets!