Garrett County Public Schools to Implement Equity Advisory Board

GCPS to Implement Equity Advisory Board at Deep Creek Lake, MD

GCPS seeks applications from individuals interested in serving on the Superintendent’s Equity Advisory Board. The board will meet twice annually. Additional meetings may be called by the Superintendent, as needed.

Per Policy JB Educational Equity, the Garrett County Board of Education is committed to fostering the success of each student in our schools. For that success to occur for each student in lifelong learning and the world of work, the district prioritizes educational equity by recognizing and removing institutional barriers and ensuring that social identifiers are not obstacles to accessing educational opportunities and supports that benefit each student. Achieving equity means implicit biases and students’ identities will neither predict nor predetermine their success in school. Educational equity should be a lens through which all policies, procedures, and practices are viewed and decided. Additionally, equity is based on the principles of fairness and justice in allocating resources, opportunity, and treatment. It involves creating success for each student and eliminating achievement and opportunity gaps. Educational equity promotes maximizing the academic success and social/emotional well-being of each student as well as between diverse groups of students. Equity strategies are intentional, systemic, and focused on the core of the teaching and learning process.

The Superintendent shall establish an Equity Advisory Board to assist in developing the action plan to implement this policy and advise on educational equity issues within the school system. The Equity Advisory Board shall also assist the Superintendent in developing strategies to ensure that equitable educational opportunities are provided to all students who attend our schools. The Superintendent’s Equity Advisory Board shall include the Superintendent and members from the following stakeholder groups: the faith community, non-profit agencies, public education, business leaders, elected officials, and individuals from the Garrett County community.

Full information surrounding the purpose and mission of the board is available in Policy and Procedure JB  Educational Equity (Policy and Procedure

Individuals interested should complete the following form by March 1, 2024: