Garrett County Junior Golf Tour: Fantasy Valley Tournament 5

Garrett County Junior Golf Tour - Fantasy Valley Tournament 5 at Deep Creek Lake, MD

HOLY MOLY that was a hot round! From birdies ๐Ÿฆ to bee stings ๐Ÿ we saw all sorts of action today. Not only did every Tour have an improvement in scoring average, but we had our lowest round of the season of an even par 34! Way to go to everyone out there today.

In our Nicklaus Tour, we had a stellar and exciting finish with our lead grouping going at it all. day. Luke Brenneman pulled out the win with a 46 with a clean final hole. Amelia Bolden was only one behind and Alex Benton scrambled two strokes back. Our Woods Tour also had a great showing from our lead grouping. Carter Goff fired off his lowest round of the year of 40 flat. Wyatt Johnson stayed on his heels as well as Olivia Nichols. The Scheffler Tour had the best player all day with Carter Bishoff flying in with his even-par round of 34. Carter drove the green on 2 holes (first clip in video below, hole 12) and had two two-putt birdies early in his round. He also had 4 more birdie chances throughout the day and only bogied his final 2 holes. A Stellar performance from tee to green by Carter. While Carter dominated the field out was a tight race for 2nd. Jensen Holcomb and Jack Prell stayed close with a 55 and 57 to find out the Scheffler Tour.