Garrett College Graduates New FDC Class

Garrett College Graduates New FDC Class at Deep Creek Lake, MD

The 2024 Family Development Certificate Program class, jointly sponsored by Garrett College and Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc., recently graduated. Pictured, left to right, are (back row) Kelly Bernard, Amanda Sweitzer, Wendi Rodeheaver, Stacy Green, and Instructor Katie Harding; (front row) Moranda Bowman, Chelsie Warnick, and Instructor Amanda Reckart.

Six students recently completed the Family Development Credential (FDC) Program offered through Garrett College’s Continuing Education and Workforce Development (CEWD) division and Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc.

The FDC Program provides frontline workers with the knowledge and skills needed to coach families to set and reach their own goals for healthy self-reliance in their communities. To earn the credential, a worker must complete 90 hours of interactive classroom instruction, prepare a skills portfolio with support of a portfolio advisor, and pass a state credentialing exam.

“This course was a perfect, well-rounded learning experience for me, as a rookie in the family worker field,” said Chelsie Warnick, transitional housing coordinator with the Dove Center. “It helped me learn a lot of basic interaction skills, and gave me a lot of things I could improve on and begin implementing immediately with the families with which I work.

“The importance of self-care being highlighted in the class was not only a good reminder,” added Warnick, “but also felt like important and validating information to know that we must take care of ourselves.”

“This class is excellent for anyone who works with families in crisis or families that want to reach their goals,” said Wendi Rodeheaver, who works with Garrett County Community Action.

Warnick said she made valuable connections with classmates, and expanded her knowledge of community resources.

“There is a lot to be learned, but the most important takeaway I have is the shared-power method that is taught in the course,” Warnick said. The shared-power method emphasizes letting go of traditional frames of power and leading, and permits group members to have power and influence with the group.

The next FDC program will start in February 2025. For additional information, please contact Dr. Kimberly Govi at 301.387.3084, or