Deep Creek Lake Lions Club Road Clean up

Deep Creek Lake Lions Club Road Clean up at Deep Creek Lake, MD

Mary Kay Burkhart, Gilbert Johnson, Kris Ottobre, Neal Dana, Amy Dana, Susie O’Brien, Craig hunter, Pete Schoonmaker (not in picture Mike O’Brien)

On Monday, June 10, 2024, the Deep Creek Lake Lions Club picked up trash on one mile of US Route 219 north of the Deep Creek Lake Bridge.  The area was much cleaner compared to the last pick-up that occurred in October 2023.  In October, the club picked up 11 trash bags.  The club still picked up more than 5 bags of trash this time.  The most items found were cigarette butts.

Cigarette butts are not harmless.  They consist primarily of plastic and toxic chemicals.  The lingering toxins include arsenic, lead, and nicotine.  These toxins slowly leach into our natural water and soil systems, presenting a serious threat to people and our environment.

The Club hopes that for the next clean-up day in October 2024, there will be even less trash and no cigarette butts.

If you would like to join the Deep Creek Lake Lions Club or get more information on the club, go to