Commissioners Proclaim October 24-28, 2022 as Business Development Week in Garrett County

Sitting (l-r): Commissioners Paul Edwards, Jim Hinebaugh, and Larry Tichnell Standing (l-r): Connor Norman, Business Development Specialist, and Kim Durst, Manager of Business Development

At its public meeting on October 3, 2022, the Garrett County Commissioners issued a proclamation recognizing the week of October 24-28, 2022, as Business Development Week in Garrett County.

The Garrett County Division of Business Development is an active member of the Maryland Economic Development Association (MEDA), a non-profit organization established in 1961 whose mission is to enhance the knowledge and skills of its members, encourage partnerships and networking among people committed to bringing jobs and capital to Maryland, and promotes economic development as an investment in Maryland.

MEDA members promote the economic well-being of Maryland by working to improve the sState’sbusiness climate and the professionalism of those in the field of economic development, including other professionals with an interest in the economy of Maryland, and through its regular meetings, special programs, and projects, members address diverse issues.

The economic growth and stability of the StStateffects all regions and jurisdictions of Maryland, and Garrett County is an important component of the StState’sconomic success and will highlight those successes by recognizing important projects and visiting local businesses.