Additional Garrett County Public Schools faculty members have attained National Board Certification (NBC). GCPS would like to recognize the following individuals for this accomplishment:
- Ali Schilpp, Northern Garrett Middle, Library Media, Early Childhood through Young Adult
- Amy Warnick, Yough Glades Elementary, Generalist: Middle Childhood
- Erica Foley, Broad Ford Elementary, Literacy: Reading-Language Arts, Early & Middle Childhood
- Katie Landen, Yough Glades Elementary, Literacy: Reading-Language Arts, Early & Middle Childhood
- Laura Dahlen, Broad Ford Elementary/Swan Meadow School, Music: Early & Middle Childhood
- Lorie Burdock, Northern Garrett Middle, Science, Early Adolescence
- Kelley Beavers-Davis, Southern Garrett High, National Certified School Counselors (NCSC)
National Board Certification was established over 30 years ago and continues to attract educators who wish to demonstrate their accomplished teaching through standards-based evidence collection. The voluntary and rigorous process of National Board Certification is an accomplishment under 4% of teachers have attained. This process is often referred to as the most effective professional development for teachers and is known to teachers and administrators as the highest certification a teacher can achieve.
Adding these seven certifications brings our current NBC staff total to twelve (12), more than doubling our previous number of five (5) certifications. GCPS would like to congratulate these members of our organization on their recent accomplishments!