5th Grade Arbor Day Poster Contest
The annual Arbor Day Poster Contest was open to Maryland 5th-grade students with the Garrett County Forestry Board sponsoring monetary awards for local winners.
Complete contest rules and entry information can be found at https://dnr.maryland.gov/Forests/Pages/Arbor-Day-Poster-Contest.aspx
2023 Poster Contest (36 total entries)

1st Place Emma Secrist
Accident Elementary
Emma Secrist
1st Place County Winner
3rd Place State WinnerEmma received $75 from the Garrett County Forestry Board!
Emma Secrist
1st Place County Winner
3rd Place State WinnerEmma received $75 from the Garrett County Forestry Board!
Emma’s poster also received 3rd place in the state contest! She will receive 5 trees to plant at her school as a state contest winner!

2nd Place Codyn Alvarado
Accident Elementary
Codyn Alvarado
2nd Place County WinnerCodyn received $50 from the Garrett County Forestry Board!
Codyn Alvarado
2nd Place County WinnerCodyn received $50 from the Garrett County Forestry Board!

3rd Place Elodie Morel
Accident Elementary
Elodie Morel
3rd Place County Winner
Elodie received $25 from the Garrett County Forestry Board!