2021 Mayor’s Essay Contest Announced
The Maryland Municipal League (MML) invites all eligible Maryland 4th graders to participate in the “If I were Mayor” essay contest. This year’s theme is Teamwork through flexibility, respect, leadership, and civility.
Maryland Municipal League (MML) works both with member cities and towns and on their behalf to educate citizens and students about Maryland municipal government. They have developed a variety of programs designed to allow their partners to serve as ambassadors and shine the light on municipal government and increase the public’s knowledge about what municipalities bring to their community.
Each year, MML and the Maryland Mayors’ Association invite 4th-grade students to participate in a statewide essay contest. The essay has a specific theme, annually, to help students think about ways to make their community a better place to live and work. Winning essays will be chosen from each district and will be awarded cash prizes. The contest has educated over 22,000 students and their teachers about Maryland municipal government. The essay challenges students to address three issues if they were mayor.
This year, the contest prompts students to answer the following questions: If you were Mayor…1-List an issue you think is a problem in your city/town/community. 2- What would you change to help solve the problem? And 3- While everyone is virtual, how would you bring people together to help.
All essay submissions are due by March 30, 2020 by midnight. However, digital entry forms must be turned in by noon on March 30 in order to receive the Dropbox link necessary to submit the student’s essays. More information and complete contest rules can be found at http://mdmunicipal.org/920/2021-Mayors-Essay-Contest.
Please feel free to make a copy and send to Oakland City Hall if you would like to share your essays with Oakland Mayor, Jay Moyer at: Oakland City Hall, 15 S. Third Street, Oakland, MD 21550.