Garrett County Junior Golf Tour: Thousand Acres Tournament 6

Garrett County Junior Golf Tour - Thousand Acres Tournament 6 at Deep Creek Lake, MD

Thousand Acres Golf Club was a blast today. Some great golf in pristine conditions. Beautiful swings, beautiful views, and a ton of fun. Great job to everyone out there!

In our Scheffler tour, we saw some great improvement from many of our players. Carter Bishoff came away with the win with a 42 over Jack Prell’s 50 with Nolan Luzier close behind with a 52. The Woods tour saw a shift in control over the past 2 weeks. Carter Goff pushed ahead with his 42 as well. Olivia Nichols and Keaton McKinnie both tied with a solid round of 46, with Olivia taking the 2nd Place spot in a card off. The Nicklaus Tour had a winner who was new to the podium. Andrew Mason drove in a strong 48 on a tough playing golf course. Meanwhile, Luke Brenneman and Amelia Bolden both came in with 54 with Amelia winning the card off for 2nd place. All around a fantastic and fun round to see with some tight competition.

Our Winners:

Scheffler Tour
1st Carter Bishoff
2nd Jack Prell
3rd Nolan Luzier

Woods Tour
1st Carter Goff
2nd Olivia Nichols
3rd Keaton Mckinnie

Nicklaus Tour
1st Andrew Mason
2nd Amelia Bolden
3rd Luke Brenneman

Congratulations to our Winners and great round to everyone! Check out the pictures and videos below. Also a little sneak peek of what it looks like behind the scenes during scoring time!