Some snow accumulation possible today; 1-2 inches during the day and 1-3 inches possible tonight. A high of 27 and a low of 17 degrees. A winter weather advisory is in effect. Ski season isn’t over yet!
Results from the Oakland City election show a change for only one Town Council member. Mayor Peggy Jamison retained her seat and the three Council member positions  went to Sherwin Teagarden, Wayne Mowbray, and newly-elected Terry Helbig.
Learning Beyond the Classroom Learning Bus is back at nine different locations throughout Garrett County this week! Join the bus for free gross motor activities, art, reading, play and socialization for birth – school age.
Education Week published a blog on Crellin Elementary School’s Principal Dana McCauley and her “teaching principal” style.
You can explore women’s history in a new way, using Google Expeditions Virtual Reality Tours, at the Ruth Enlow Library today from 2:00pm – 3:30pm. Sign up at the Oakland Library circulation desk. Each half-hour spot in limited to 8 people.
Here’s something different: Leo Lakes is a provider of lake maps, including Deep Creek Lake. They put some interesting craft and personal touches (including your home’s location) on their maps. Note: They are not an advertiser and this is not a guarantee or endorsement, just sharing.
Shepherd of the Hills is holding their monthly Life After Forty-Five (LAFF) Dinner this evening at Uno’s Pizzeria and Grill at the lake. All ages welcome. Dutch treat.
Smoke N Mirrors Gallery & Studio in Oakland is hosting their monthly live model drawing this evening, from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. This is a mature modeling session email for more information.
There’s a Children’s Art Workshop being offered at the CARC in McHenry on March 24th.
The Ruth Enlow Library will host a lecture on Pershing and Marshall Together in France, WWI, presented by Dr. Gerald Pops, professor emeritus of public administration at West Virginia University. Scheduled for Wednesday, April 4th from 6:00pm – 7:30pm at the Oakland Library, this lecture is free and open to the public. To register for this event, contact Bonnie at 301-334-3996 x0117 or