Thursday March 15


It snowed all day yesterday but not quite as bad as it was on Tuesday. The weather for today will be a bit more snow: We will get somewhere between 1 inch and 5 more through tonight. A high of 35 and low of 19.

Join the American Association of University Women-Garrett Branch for an evening of Cocktails and Convos! They’ll be meeting in the bar at Ace’s Run for a casual night of drinking, networking, and sharing of ideas. All are welcome! Runs from 5:30pm – 8:00pm.

Go for it! The Black Bear Tavern has Black Bear Karaoke Feat tonight from 7:00pm – 11:00pm with DJ Dubya. They have great burgers too!

And the winner is? We held the drawing for the winner of our Wisp lift and rental passes this morning. The winner is CHUCK C.

It’s Open Mic Night at Our Town Theatre in Oakland this evening from 7:00pm – 9:00pm.  It’s open to anyone that want to share their talents in music, poetry, storytelling, etc.

Longing for the dog days of summer? We are too. This photo of Sarah’s dog will have to do for now.

Garrett College, in coordination with the University of Maryland Extension, is sponsoring a one-session course, Smart Use Health Insurance™ – Understanding and Estimating Health Care Costs on Monday, March 19th, 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the Southern Outreach Center in Oakland. Call 301.387.3069 for more information or to register.

The Board of County Commissioners will conduct a Public Meeting on March 26th beginning at 4:30pm in the Garrett County Courthouse Public Meeting Room for the exclusive purpose of hosting the Garrett County Board of Education’s Fiscal Year 2019 Budget.

Hey all you entrepreneurs and want-to-be entrepreneurs: Consider this Mugs and Pitches breakfast event in Hagerstown Friday if you want to pitch your idea or see others pitch theirs.

Congratulations to the Garrett College Lakers Men’s Basketball team for a strong finish to their season. They upset the #1 seed in the Regional Tournament and then took the #4 seed into overtime. Nice job guys!

A reasonably priced exercise bike has been added to our Online Marketplace… take a look under “Exercise Equipment”.

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