Property Owners’ Association of Deep Creek Lake Updates

POA Members – Latest News From Deep Creek:

1. Our long time Lake Manager Eric Null has resigned from DNR effective 8/13/24. He was Lake Manager for over 12 years and did a great job to help improve and preserve DCL – we will miss him! DNR will appoint a new manager in the near future (we hope). Good news for Eric is that he accepted a job as Executive Director for Trout Unlimited in Pennsylvania. We wish Eric well in his new adventure!

2. POA Board Member Grant Callery has been appointed to serve on the State Boat Act Advisory Committee. It is great to have a Deep Creek Lake person on the BAAC.

3. The POA General Membership Meeting will be held on August 24, 2024 at Garrett Cinema, 8:30 AM. Please come and find out what is going on in the county and the lake.

4. The PRB meeting on the private dock rental issue was well attended by POA members on July 29. The end result was that COMAR prohibits private dock rentals for profit but the regulation is not clear on enforcement. The PRB rules committee will draft new wording to clarify the meaning and enforcement of the rule.