Oakland volunteer team beautifies town

Last week the Clean and Green team placed lovely mums in the planters around downtown Oakland.  This is the 3rd year the team, composed of volunteers, has kept the planters filled with summer and fall flowers. The mums were purchased by the team using prize money they were awarded at last year’s “Run for It” in Tucker County, WV.

The team also weeded and added new mulch to the Veterans Park and built some pumpkin stacks at the Pocket Park. Seventeen Green Team members and friends took part in the Run for It event which was held virtually last month. Though the Town of Oakland maintains the general maintenance of the Dog Park, this year’s Green Team prize monies will be used to refurbish the landscaping and additional projects.

Any questions regarding volunteer opportunities or the Oakland Dog Park can be directed to Nicole McCullough at Oakland City Hall, 301-334-2691 or she can be reached by email at mainstreetgoba@gmail.com.