Applications for enrollment in the Garrett County Board of Education’s Pre-Kindergarten Programs for 3-Year-Olds for the 2022-23 school year are now being accepted electronically for the remaining seats available in the classroom that will be located at Accident Elementary School. This classroom will serve students in the northern end of Garrett County. The classroom located at Broad Ford Elementary School that will serve the students in the southern end of Garrett County has already been filled with students meeting the criteria for participation. No seats remain at this location.
If you live in the northern end of Garrett County, have a child who will be 3 years old by September 1, 2022, and you are interested in enrolling him or her in a Pre-Kindergarten Program for 3-Year-Olds, please complete an online information packet. The Pre-Kindergarten questionnaire is a critical component of the application packet and will ask for specific information about your family’s income and your child’s developmental and health data. This information will be used to determine your child’s eligibility for the Pre-Kindergarten Program for 3-Year-Olds but is kept confidential by GCPS.
For enrollment in the Pre-Kindergarten Program for 3-Year-Olds, the school system will first consider each family’s monthly household income and children with disabilities. Initial eligibility, then, is determined by whether a child qualifies for free or reduced lunch meals as determined by guidelines that are published annually by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Maryland State Department of Education. Children with disabilities will also be considered first for enrollment.
The school system will also enroll three-year-old children into the Pre-Kindergarten Program for 3-Year-Olds if any one of the following applies:
- Limited English Proficiency
- Homelessness
- Prior participation in a Head Start or Even Start program
- Referral
- Emergency and health situation
- Home and family circumstances
Enrollment information concerning the Pre-Kindergarten Program for 3-Year-Olds can be obtained from Mrs. Dawna Ashby, Director of Early Childhood/Elementary Education, at 301-334-7644 or Mrs. Kendra Berry, Administrative Assistant, Elementary Education Department, at 301-334-8927.