Deep Creek Lake Lions Club Boat Auction a Success

Deep Creek Lake Lions Club Boat Auction a Success at Deep Creek Lake, MD

Dana Dudley of Double D Auction Services solicits bids for a boat at the Lion’s auction.

The 2023 Deep Creek Lake Lions Club boat auction held on June 10th was deemed a great success by the club and the happy new boat owners that were able to pick up a great deal on a pre-owned boat. The event was held at the club’s McHenry Community Park on Mosser Road.

Dana Dudley of Double D Auction Services served as the auctioneer for the event, donating her services to the club as in the past. Over 50 bidders from the tri-state area bid on over 30 boats, with on-site food provided by Goehringer’s Catering. This year’s auction raised enough funds to cover the base expenses of the Blind Skier and Blind Camper programs for the upcoming year.

Donations to the Deep Creek Lake Lions Club are tax deductible and proceeds from the sale of donated items support the work the Club does to serve the community and visually impaired. “We’re always accepting donations of boats of all types, ATVs, snowmachines, and any other recreational vehicles you may have around – we’ll make sure you get the maximum deduction on your taxes for your donation and you’ll know your donation is helping our community,” stated program director and club member Chris Nichols. If you’d like to donate a boat or other vehicle at any time during the year, contact Chris at: 323.325.5466 or

The Deep Creek Lions Club serves the Garrett County, MD area with the flagship service programs being the annual Blind Skiers and Blind Campers initiatives. The Deep Creek Lake Lions also provide community service through financial assistance for vision-related healthcare, eyeglass recycling, support to local and global organizations, and the operation of the McHenry Community Park at 1249 Bumble Bee Rd. The club meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at varying locations around the lake, including the community park pavilion.

For more information on the Deep Creek Lake Lions Club or its community service programs, or the next meeting location please go to or call Mike Tumbarello, director of the marketing committee at 410.707.7725 or