Biennial Maryland Youth Risk Survey

The Maryland Youth Risk Behavior Survey/Youth Tobacco Survey (MYRBS/YTS) is conducted by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) in collaboration with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The survey is given every two years (biennial) and Garrett County Public Schools (GCPS) is scheduled for Fall 2022 administration. The survey provides the state with data on youth health risk behaviors identified by the CDC. The Maryland YRBS/YTS is an on-site survey of students in Maryland public middle and high schools, focusing on behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability, including but not limited to, alcohol and other drug use, tobacco use, sexual behaviors, unintentional injuries and violence, and poor physical activity and dietary behaviors. Students are encouraged to participate so that state and local programs can address these risk behaviors.

Things to know about the survey:

  • The entire survey is confidential and completely anonymous
  • The survey is specifically designed to protect student privacy
  • The survey is voluntary
  • Students will not put their names anywhere on the survey
  • Students may skip questions that they are not comfortable answering

Dates of Administration:

  • Northern High – Tuesday, October 25th
  • Swan Meadow – Wednesday, October 26th
  • Southern Middle – Tuesday, November 1st
  • Southern High – Wednesday, November 2nd
  • Northern Middle – Wednesday, November 9th

We appreciate your cooperation and partnership in this survey and please know that this data is used in many ways, as we combat risk factors such as underage alcohol usage, frequency of youth vaping, child nutritional habits and obesity data, etc. This data is used by our schools, the local health department, and other agencies in grant applications to secure funding to improve youth risk factors here in Garrett County.

If you do NOT want your child to participate in the survey, please complete the opt-out form, then return it to your child’s school front office.  Paper copies of the form will be sent home with each 6th-12th grade student starting this week (forms are also available within the news article on our website).

If you have questions about the survey, content, and/or usage, please contact Mr. John Hummel, GCPS Director of Student Services, at