Coffee With the Superintendent

Northern Garrett Middle School 371 Pride Pkwy, Accident, MD, United States

Dr. Brenda McCartney, Superintendent of Schools, has scheduled a "Coffee with the Superintendent" event on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at Northern Middle School in the Community Room, located at 371 Pride Parkway, Accident, MD 21520. The event will take place from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Interested individuals may also tour the building following the scheduled time. "Coffee with the Superintendent is a way for parents, guardians, and community members to join me for an informal discussion to share things that we are doing well and to let me know areas we can improve," said Dr. McCartney. This event is open to all parents, guardians, and community members interested in Garrett County Public Schools. Additional information may be obtained by emailing or calling 301-334-8901.

Board of Education Meeting: January 14, 2025

Northern Garrett Middle School 371 Pride Pkwy, Accident, MD, United States

The Garrett County Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at Northern Middle School in the cafeteria, followed by a public hearing for the northern area proposal. The meeting is open to the public and will be live-streamed for public review. The Public Session will begin at 2:30 PM, at which time the Clerk of the Circuit Court will conduct the oath of office for the newly elected Board Members. The Board will go into executive session until 4:00 p.m. The Board of Education will reconvene for public session at 4:00 PM and the Board will elect the president and vice president at the beginning of this meeting. Time is set aside during this public session for the hearing of constituents at approximately 5:00 PM. Please note that this time is approximate, and public comment may be adjusted based on the timing of the presentations. The Board will recess the public session at approximately 5:15 PM. The Board will reconvene at 6:00 PM for the Northern Area Advisory Committee presentation and public hearing. The committee will present to the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Education, and the public will then have […]

Garrett County Public Schools’ Public Meeting: December 9, 2024

Northern Garrett Middle School 371 Pride Pkwy, Accident, MD, United States

The Northern Advisory Committee will share a draft report at the meeting on December 9, 2024. The meeting is scheduled to take place from 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM in the cafeteria at Northern Middle School. It will be live-streamed for public review. While there will not be a public comment opportunity during the meeting, feedback will be gathered via email after the presentation is made. Additional information may be obtained by contacting your local school or by emailing

Special Community Meeting: November 25, 2024

Northern Garrett Middle School 371 Pride Pkwy, Accident, MD, United States

Dr. Brenda McCartney, Superintendent, will hold a special community meeting on Monday, November 25, 2024, in the cafeteria of Northern Middle School from 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM. The purpose of this meeting is to gather feedback from community members regarding the proposal to reband Northern Garrett High School to serve 8th – 12th grades (SY 2025-26) and to relocate Accident Elementary School to the Northern Middle School building to serve PreKindergarten to 7th grade with all northern area students attending for 6th and 7th grades (SY 2026-27). Since community feedback is critical to consider when making decisions, this meeting is open to the public and will be recorded so that no input, comments, or questions are missed. Important details regarding the Community Meeting are included below: The meeting is for public comments on the rebanding of Northern Garrett High School and the relocation of Accident Elementary School to the Northern Middle School building only. No other topics should be discussed and considered. The Board will not be making any decisions regarding this topic at this time. This meeting is part of the information-gathering process. Public Comments will be limited to 5 minutes. Possible responses from the Superintendent or GCPS […]

Board of Education Meeting: November 12, 2024

Northern Garrett Middle School 371 Pride Pkwy, Accident, MD, United States

The Garrett County Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at Northern Middle School in the cafeteria. The meeting is open to the public and will be live-streamed for public review. Public comment for the October Board Meeting will begin at 4:00 PM, after which time the Board will go into executive session until 5:45 PM to discuss a personnel topic, negotiation updates, and two legal matters. The Board of Education will reconvene for its public session from 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM. Time is set aside during the public session for the hearing of constituents at approximately 7:00 PM. Please note, that this time is approximate, and public comment may be adjusted based on the timing of the presentations. Topics excluded from Public Comment include: Individual personnel issues Comments identifying individual students or staff members Matters that are on appeal or may be appealed or have been appealed. Topics for which the Board schedules formal public hearings Advertising or solicitation for products and/or services The agenda for the Public Session can be accessed at BoardDocs. The agenda is not considered final until the Board takes action to accept it at the start […]