The Deep Creek Watershed Foundation, renowned for its impactful environmental initiatives, is capturing attention with its innovative approach to water management in the Deep Creek Watershed. Since its inception eight years ago, the foundation, supported by a dedicated team of volunteers, has been driving transformative change in preserving this vital ecosystem.

At the forefront of the foundation’s endeavors is the ongoing completion of the Water Budget Model. The water budget model (WBM) will help predict water levels based on measured and estimated inflows, which would in turn will improve the decision process for the timing and volume of Deep Creek Watershed Management Plan water releases. Collaborating with esteemed partners such as the Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, University of Maryland Extension, and Garrett County Commissioners, the foundation is implementing projects aligned with the Deep Creek Watershed Management Plan.

In a new partnership with an engineering firm in 2017, the foundation developed the initial Water Budget Model for Deep Creek Lake, a pivotal step towards effective water resource management. This model, provided to the Maryland Department of Environment at no cost, serves Brookfield Renewable Power, the owner of the Deep Creek Dam and power generation facility, in adhering to water appropriations regulations.

Recognizing the need for enhanced predictability, the foundation invested in upgrading the model, procuring and installing water gauges in strategic locations such as Meadow Mountain Cove, Cherry Creek, Hoyes Run, and the Yough River. This substantial investment, totaling over $100,000 in 2023 alone, has facilitated the collection of crucial data for refining the Water Budget Model.

The latest endeavor of the foundation involves estimating the groundwater recharge rate, an addition to the model that promises to revolutionize water forecasting, potentially extending predictability to unprecedented lengths. With data-driven insights, stakeholders reliant on Deep Creek Lake’s water resources will benefit immensely from this innovative approach.

Beyond its pioneering work in water management, the Deep Creek Watershed Foundation is committed to addressing various environmental challenges, including mitigating acidity in Cherry Creek and promoting native plant restoration along shorelines. These efforts underscore the foundation’s dedication to preserving the ecological integrity of the watershed for future generations.

As the foundation continues to spearhead community-driven initiatives, it stands as a beacon of hope for sustainable environmental stewardship. For more information about the Deep Creek Watershed Foundation and its transformative projects, visit